For RGB to Munsell conversion, a dataframe (NA-padded) of hue, value, chroma, and Euclidean distance to nearest matching color is returned. The is a simple online tool that lets you browse the Munsell color notation in your web browser. Detailed information about Munsell as a color space can be found elsewhere on the web (I recommend and).
To use the Munsell Calculator, go to Hue 1 - select the appropriate button. Then enter the Hue 2, Value, and Chroma values. The Munsell code will appear in the Code/Color row, along with the soil color name and a color strip. To use a second color to describe the soil color, press the “+” button after entering the code for the first color. For Munsell to RGB conversion, a vector of R colors is returned that is the same length as the input data. If returntriplets is TRUE, then a dataframe (of sample length as input) of r,g,b values is returned. For RGB to Munsell conversion, a dataframe (NA-padded) of hue, value, chroma, and Euclidean distance to nearest matching color is.
Converts RGB coordinates to a Munsell specification, by interpolating over the extrapolated Munsell renotation data
RGB | a numeric Nx3 matrix with RGB coordinates in the rows,or a vector that can be converted to such a matrix, by row.These are non-linear display values, but they are not required to be integers. |
space | the name of an installed RGB space.Spaces |
maxSignal | maximum value of RGB for display.Other popular values are 1, 1023, and 65535.Even when 1, they are still taken to be non-linear display values. |
adapt | method for chromatic adaptation,see |
... | other parameters passed to |
Rgb To Munsell Converter Online
The conversion is done in 3 steps.
RGB rarrow XYZ using
with the givenspace
XYZ is adapted from the white-point of
to Illuminant Cusing the given chromatic adaptation methodXYZ rarrow HVC using
a numeric Nx3 matrix with HVC coordinates in the rows.The rownames are copied from input to output.
In case of error, it returns NULL
Jose Gama and Glenn Davis
Rgb To Munsell Converter Online Tool
Wikipedia. sRGB.
Paul Centore 2014The Munsell and Kubelka-Munk Toolbox
See Also