Open Mobile Acl For Tizen

With our ACL technology, your Android apps can run seamlessly alongside native Tizen and web apps on any Tizen platform. Getting started is easy, as ACL allows unmodified Android apps to execute on the millions of Tizen devices expected to ship in 2013. Don't miss out, enable your Android apps for Tizen ecosystem now! This video simply demonstrates how to install Android apps into Tizen enabled Samsung Z1 using the 'ACL (Application Compatibility Layer) for Tizen' app.

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Open mobile acl for tizen tpk

How to convert Android apps to Tizen. Conversion of apk packages to tpk packages. Android to Tizen converter.

How to use acl for tizen

How To Use Acl For Tizen

In most cases, users looking for apk to tpk conversion are looking for a way to how to install apk on tizen, in hopes that they can install some Android app on their Tizen mobile device (Samsung Z2 / Z3 etc.).

Tizen OS contains OpenMobile Application Compatibility Layer which means that some modern Android apps can be installed and used in Tizen devices without any problem. However, not every app supports OACL which makes users look for android to tizen app converter.

Unfortunately, we do not know about any reliable program that can convert apk to tpk or some other tool that can directly convert android .apk packages to .tpk Tizen files.

There once was an online tool called Polaris App Generator from Infraware (polaris app converter), but this seems to be defunct now and no longer available.

Updated: July 28, 2021

Unfortunately, there is no detailed software record in the database for this conversion.

Additional links: Open apk file, Open tpk file


Open Mobile Acl For Tizen Tv

An apk file extension is used for Google Android application packages for Android based devices. apk files are basically a renamed zip files, used to install apps to Android smart phones.

Files with apk file extension were also found in older GameSpy Arcade service for multiplayer gaming.

Openmobile Acl For Tizen Computer

Files with apk file extension might also be found as projects from Active Tutor authoring tool by 4C Soft.

An apk file extension is related to the Microsoft Train Simulator and used for its packaged activity files. An apk files also uses Quake 2 first person action shooter computer game.

Files with apk file extension may also be application packages for Asustor ADM operating system. Not to be confused with Android files.


Files with tpk extension can be typically found as application installation packages for Tizen mobile operating system.

Files with tpk file extension may also be found as very old packages from software called Tochal.

How To Enable Acl For Tizen

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